(4) organic catalysts
The job of catalysts in chemical reactions is to make the reaction go faster by lowering the amount of energy needed to activate the reaction. If less energy is needed for the reaction to occur, then the reaction can go faster because a large energy build-up is not needed.
Well, an endoskeleton is an internal skeleton, like humans have.
Pro: Bones do not get broke as easily, since they are inside of the body. Bones that break also heal more quickly in an endoskeleton, since they have tissue and blood surrounding it and transferring nutrients.
Con: The flesh can get easily damaged. There is no shedding with endoskeletons, so a new skeleton cannot be grown in the event of an injury.
Leeuwenhoek made his own microscope lenses, and he was so good at it that his microscope was more powerful than other microscopes of his day. In fact, Leeuwenhoek's microscope was almost as strong as modern light microscopes.
Hope this helps you
Overall, minerals from animal products are better absorbed than those from plant because binders such as fiber are not present to hinder absorption.