It's called the Incorporation of the Bill of Rights :)
Classicism, in the arts, describes appreciation or high regard for a classical period, the antiquity and culture of the West(ancient Greece and Rome). Classicists believe this period to have set standards worth emulation
Classicism adopts attitudes based on culture, art and literature of this ancient period such as the appeal to intellect, formality and restrained emotions.
Interest groupa re voluntary organizations with a common cause, whose members seek to influence public policy. A political party on the other hand is a group of persons organized to acquire and exercise political power.
Interest groups are concerned with the policies of government, while political parties are concerned with the personnel of government.
Eucharist is believed to be Jesus body
It is believed that Jesus introduced Eucharist in the last supper with his 12 disciples
That is the beliefs of the Eucharist :]