Communism and fascism leave little to no power to the citizens and are heavily dictated by the government or dictator.
Egypt:Friends and relatives tend to kiss on both cheeks while shaking hands. Greetings between men and women: A handshake may be acceptable in certain circumstances and the woman must extend her hand first. If she does not, a man should bow his head as a sign of acknowledgement.
Japan:In Japan, people greet each other by bowing. A bow can ranges from a small nod of the head to a deep bend at the waist. A deeper, longer bow indicates respect and conversely a small nod with the head is casual and informal.
Pill bugs sense their environment and they will move accordingly.
Pill bug are the creature with flat shells and extended legs. They move after analyzing their environment through their antenna. These antenna helps the pill bug to sense the environment and move towards the clean path. They move quickly with the help of their legs. Jill experiments the movement of pill bug so he will analyse its movement and observe the affects that different materials placed will have on its movement.
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