The info graphic refers the years 1400 to 1775 as a "great age" as it was the period of witch hunting all over the world.
During the early 1400, many got into witchcraft and went into absurd extreme things, and this was put to an end from 1400 to 1775. The info graphic refers the years 1400 to 1775 as a "great age" as it was the period of witch hunting all over the world.
From the country Russia to the Bermuda and from Scotland to the coastline Brazil, the witch hunt was fierce. Many were taken in pursuit, like nearly 100,000 were put under the legal action of the government and nearly 50,000 were sentenced to death as their punishment.
Many were hanged both women and men and many were pressed to death cause of the disaster they did to many families especially in small families.
The answer is surveying. Surveying over or arrive studying is the procedure, calling, and investigation of deciding the earthbound or three-dimensional position of focuses and the separations and points between them. A land reviewing proficient is known as a land surveyor.
probably making my dad happy, because that makes me happy :D
I think this quote is trying to say you need to be yourself and not follow the crowd. There are so many people who act the same because that’s what’s "expected" in society. If you continue with the flow and don’t go against it, you will end up being like all the rest without even realizing it. Hope that helped