Explanation:hopeit helped
They were both equally wrong but....
the slaves were used to transport goods and that is one of the main ways the Aztecs and Incas made their profit. So the slaves were used for long distance travel to other empires so that they could make profit off of goods. So it was like a big cycle make goods, transpotr goods, and make profit from goods. Then after that you do it basicaly all over again.
The French Revolution was in 1830, also known as the July Revolution
The French aided the Americans in the War
The French aided the Americans in the War for Independence largely out of a desire for revenge. Ever since they lost the Seven Years War and their bid for dominance in North America, the French were eager to get back at Great Britain. The American Revolution provided the perfect opportunity for this.
district of Columbia Kentucky Delaware Missouri West Virginia Texas Oklahoma Maryland
as for part two that one is unanswerable as there are many white that were not integrated