Fundamental niche is the job/role that one species can have in the environment .
The realized niche is the role of a species influenced by several factors in the environment.
The fundamental niche of Yellow Warblers is found in a spruce tree.
The realized niche of the Yellow warblers is when they are "forced" to share the spruce tree and remain in one particular area of the tree while other warbler species play defense different niches in other parts of the tree.
:v it is like :
•Fundamental niche: [yellow warbler] "I got my home, all for me..."
~new species arrive to the spruce tree~
•Realized niche: [yellow warbler] oh, shoot! I gotta stay in the upper part/move to the upper part as the others warbler "struggle" to get territory :v or they just choose their own . :v
Black the creamer makes it look white along with the side of the cup that it is in and the lighting and your phones picture could also make it different than it looks
They have hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails.</u>
Phospholipid membranes are comprised of a chain of lipids. These typically are arranged in a bilayer; the hydrophilic lipid heads are polar, and face outwards, while the hydrophobic tails are polar facing inwards.
The membranes are selectively permeable, and only allow the movement of small, non-polar molecules through the bilayer.