It is a machine used to map the ocean floor might be located on a ship or might rely on a sonar to map the ocean floor features
White blood cells can be called the strong defender of our body from foreign substances. These cells are responsible for increasing the immunity power of a person.
Monocytes cells are also called white blood cells. These cells play a role an antigen that fight with outer danger and protect other white blood cells as well and prepare other cells to reduce the dead blood cells and renovate new blood cells.
These cells prevent cancer cells and fight against foreign antigens or particles. The Monocytes are the cells that develop in the bone marrow of a person and develop red blood cells.
In white blood cells, some macrophages cells are called the scavengers in the bone marrow that eat foreign particles and increase the immunity power of the person. The diagnose can be done with the help of blood testing.
Ice age. It caused saber tooth and mammoth to die
Splash large amounts of water to dilute the spill. Stand back and advise the teacher of the spill. Immediately ask to go to the restroom.
7.960 x 10 to the 3rd power :)