A. Incomplete dominance.
Incomplete dominance is the ability of two alleles to produce a heterozygous phenotype different from the two homozygous phenotypes.
Example is when a pure stock of red flowered (RR) four o'clock plant is been crossed with a white flowered(rr) one, the offspring are all pink flowered(Rr), showing a blending of flower colour character. Self pollination of the pink flowered F1 individual produce a mixture of F2 individual bearing red, pink and white flowers in the ratio of 1:2:1. This reappearance of the red flowered and white flowered forms in the F2 generation shows that alleles R and r have remained unaltered in the F1 generation.
Organic molecules can range in size from simple molecules to complex structures containing thousands of atoms! Although carbon is present in all organic compounds, other elements such as hydrogen , oxygen , nitrogen , sulfur and phosphorus are also common in these molecules.
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3s9NWsbjziwsizhwsh z hise iszybedb8hzeih z8 d8h,ed, he8d zgidg izs8gvzgg8v3z edy,ved8,d8wyv,8yed,8yvdy8,ed,8vdh ,edyv,