To whom it may concern, In regards to the Memorial Day Fiasco aboard your cruise ship, star princess we would first offer our sincere apology, for our part in the mishap. While we do not plan on taking legal action against you or the Maroccan authorities, we are requesting parties to avoid another Waterloo captain. Johnson may just want to remember a key items.
they kept it a secret so they wouldn't know how old they where or when was there birthday because if they knew then they knew then maybe they would want a celebration or a day off work
Caesar's bad traits were really a matter of perception. He achieved much success as a military leader who consolidated power and defeated enemies which led to amassing large amounts of foreign territory. He was very unpopular with the aristocrats of his time due to a number of his policies. He favor the poor and that angered the wealthy in his land. He also was suspected of aiming to become King of Rome due to his massive amount of power, this was not supported by the political system or the people of his time. He also had no fear of violence, even on massive scales. He committed many massacres on people, some in other lands, some who he promised retribution to due to being held captive as a child.
The answer is A.Tragedies
The answer is Did you hear the denver Broncos won the Monday Night Football game? The poor kansas City Chiefs can never catch a break.
To select an answer, adhere to the requirements of standard written English, paying close attention to grammar, word choice, and sentence construction. Choose the response that results in the most effective sentence; your response should make the sentence clear, precise, and free of grammatical errors.
What is sentence correction English?
- The image below depicts the outcome of the sentence correction process in English.
- Sentence correction, also known as sentence improvement, is a type of grammatical practice in which a sentence is given with a word or phrase that needs to be changed or improved. To gain a better understanding of a sentence, it must be modified grammatically and contextually.
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