Dont catch u slippin now aye aye aye
Islamic law states all people of faith should be treated equally.
Islam declares a complete equality among all mankind, regardless of one’s faith, skin color, language, gender or ethnic background.
Islamic people believe the whole universe is dominion of almighty Allah and all the people are his creatures. Everyone is born equal and will die equal. He will judge every person on the basis of merits and deeds.
In the Quran, Chapter 49, Verse 13, it reads, “O mankind we have created you from one male and female and made you into nations and the tribes that you may know one another. Surely the most honorable among you with Allah is the one who is the most righteous. Verily Allah is all-knowing all aware.”
The meaning of the symbol, behaviour is commonly interpreted by people within a culture in the similar or the same way.
Culture is characterized as mutual behavioral patterns and experiences, cognitive structures and affective awareness, learned in a socializing phase.
These unique patterns classify the members of the group of culture and differentiate them from others.
Many sociologists today see culture as mainly consisting of human communities ' symbolic, conceptual and intangible elements.
The nature of the culture is not its objects, instruments or other observable cultural elements, but its way of understanding, using and perceiving the members of the group.
We differentiate between individuals and others in modernized culture, but are no actual artifacts or other tange aspects of human cultures, are the beliefs, signs, perceptions, and viewpoints.
The cycle needs something to execute and to continue the process. The ALU performs calculations on data which makes the execution process of the machine cycle.
Professor Rashad is using a longitudinal research design.
This research design involves periodically collecting data from the same participants of a study over a long period of time. Longitudinal studies are useful when investigating certain phenomena (such as cognitive development) and comparing their developments during different stages or time periods in a participant's lifespan .