B. generation of rich organic fertilizer.
Compost and fertilizers are different. There is a simple way to distinguish between compost and fertilizers. Compost feeds the soil, and fertilizer feeds the plants. Fertilizer adds to the soil for nutrient supplying purpose to the plants. But compost helps to increase the microbial activities of the soil, which improves the health of the soil.
Answer: Located within the thermosphere, the ionosphere is made of electrically charged gas particles (ionized). The ionosphere extends from 37 to 190 miles (60-300 km) above the earth's surface. It is divided into three regions or layers; the F-Region, E-Layer, and D-Layer.
All of the above are true
Organisms possess two types of genome viz; prokaryotic genome and eukaryotic genome. The eukaryotic genome is possessed by cells with a well-defined nucleus, where their genetic material (DNA). The prokaryotic genome, on the other hand, lacks a membrane-bound nucleus. The major organization or content between these two genomes are:
- Prokaryotic genomes generally have less DNA and fewer genes than eukaryotic genomes.
- Prokaryotic genomes have fewer repeated sequences and noncoding, intragenic sequences than eukaryotic genomes.
- Most prokaryotic genomes are contained in one circular chromosome while most eukaryotic genomes are contained on several linear chromosomes.
- In general, eukaryotic genomes contain many introns, repeated sequences, and transposable elements.
Based on this, all of the above options are TRUE