The Greek/Latin affix auto- means self or the same.
- Autobiography: a biography that the author writes about themselves.
- Autonomy: self-governing; the right/power for self-government. In Greek, nomos means law - therefore, it is the power to make our own laws.
- Autocracy: a state or society where one person has the unlimited governing power. In Greek, kratein means ruling.
- Autograph: one's own signature. (Graphein - to write.)
- Autodidact: a self-taught person. (Didaskein - to teach.)
I mean, it’s a question but the bots would say “You can probably answer this question on your own”, and ban it!
Personification is giving human traits to nonhuman things or organism.
In this case, the feathers are personified as being able to "dance", when obviously it isn't exactly "dancing".
The intense emotion it conveys(apex)
Modern dance article affected the dance world because now there would be sections of dance. And dance world was never divided it was all about funk and different kind of dances. But the Modern dance article stated that there will be sections of dancing.