- Lead to greater state power, absolute monarchies, had to finance wars
- Nationalism came with the french revolution
- Some States had their own armies, republics replaced monarchies.
- Growth of territorial integrity by raising the cost of conquering territory inhabited by those of other nations
- It Lead to the German and Italian reunification
- Issues of national self-determination in Austro-Hungarian empire
- Eventually contributed to conflicts that embued both World Wars
- Social evolution
increase reliance on authorities
The term authority is considered as the "legitimate power" that an individual or group of individuals consists and practice over the other individuals. It is usually being made formal by a specific way of an executive and a judicial branch of government.
However, any general population doesn't possess the resources, expertise, or time often in order to evaluate or appraise claims by oneself.
Tourism is travel for pleasure or business. it can be the business of operating tours, accommodating, and attracting.
A firm may narrow its focus to a specific region of the world so that it can better understand the cultures, legal and social norms, and other factors that are important for effective competition in those markets
Option a
Any firm when it starts must focus on first developing and enhancing itself fully. A 100 percent work efficiency must be the goal of the firm and it must try to achieve at least 99 percent. Thus, first, it must start at a small pace, build its foundations and then expand.
A firm may thus narrow its focus to a specific region so that it can better understand the cultures, legal and social norms, and other factors that are important for effective competition in those markets.
They both worked with NASA.