If you are talking about Beowulf, then Grendel is the representation of Cain. He is descendant of Cain, who committed the first murder ever. Cain and Abel were Adam and Eve's sons, and since Cain was jealous of Abel, he killed his own brother. Thus, every descendant of his is cursed, which is why Grendel is a monster.
Answer: Article 5
Article Five of the U.S. constitution describes the process whereby the constitution, the nation's frame of government may be altered. This article also discusses what amendment can be made in the constitution and what manner in which the changes can and should be made.
The House of Representatives, as the name states, is meant to represent the population of the United States. Therefore, this is only effective if it actually includes most groups in society. This can be achieved if the scale of representation is small and if there is a high turnover.
However, this is not the case nowadays, and this is indeed a problem. A larger scale of representation means people are a lot less likely to be able to voice their opinion to their representatives or influence government in any way. Moreover, the low turnover means that most people cannot hope to become a representative.
Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon which occurs when members of a certain group decided to conform to the majority opinion/perspective held by the group even if it contradicts their own personal belief.
Typically, groupthink is caused by inherent desire to avoid being regarded as an outcasts by other members of the group. So rather than saying different opinion and distort the harmony within the group, they decided to bow down to the group's view and create an illusion of unanimity.
Considering the status of the person involved in the scandal and the journalist does not want to damage the image of the person involved, such information is considered on deep background and utilized without attribution.