The term "tabula rasa" means "blank slate."
Locke believed that each of us were born with a blank slate. This means that our minds, according to Locke, were entirely blank -- without rules, preconceptions, or information.
This slate would slowly be "filled in" by sensory experiences. Our sensory experiences, Locke believed, would add the information and the rules necessary to learn further.
Spend 20 mins on each and take a break
The sentence that is best as it is is option B: Only Dave will go with us; the others are busy. The rest of the sentences contain incorrect parts such as the proper use of the word "only". In the first sentence, it should be "only to watch". In the third sentence, it should be "only drinks water". In the third sentence, it should be "Only Leah studied".
Well, you analyze ALL available sources,
Attack from every angle source
Do multiple searches on the subject and compare and contrast, see what the norm says and analyze the percentage of who has who