King henry vii created the church of england in 1536 as a result of a dispute with the pope, who would not permit henry to get a divorce from his wife and marry his long time mistress. henry's marital history started under a cloud of suspicion, as his marriage to catherine of aragon mean he was forming a union with his brother's widow. whether his series of divorces was actually the result of his failure to produce a male heir or some other for of stability is a matter of some dispute, but the reason for forming the anglican church was to give henry the right to act as the head of his own church and marry as he pleased...
This one is true arson is on purpose
I would send some good workers, and lumberjacks or blacksmiths. I would bring axes, guns, and a lot of weaponry in the case that we might meet an unfriendly people. I would make sure to bring cloth, and a lot of men for working, lifting and building, Maybe some craftsmen and women who sew too. (We need clothes)
Okay I would bring plant seeds, gardeners, spades, and a lot of growing utensils. I would try to find a place with good soil, a water source, and a lot of trees. We would cut down the trees, and make houses, then start gardening and planting our food. Some of us would have to hunt while we wait for the plants to grow. Meat for everyone!! I would use a republican government and allow the people to vote on their on for the president!
Hope this helps...!