Seven hundred and thirteen thousand, two hundred and ninety eight
The cut-off point is 0.5: higher than this would be closer to 1, and lower would be closer to 0
and 3/8 is lower than 0.5: we know this because a bigger number, 4/8 is equal to 0.5
so it's closer to 0!
Yes f is a function of x
Step-by-step explanation:
f(x) means fuctoin of x thats what it stands for.
and it has a constant ratio of 1/2. Hope this helps!!
mark me as brainliest
So first we want to say, 8 out of the 40 flowers were perennials.
8 out of 40 is 8/40, or simplified down to 1/5.
1/5 in percentage form is 20% because 1 divided by 5 = 20%.
I plugged it in to a truncated square pyramid calculator and got v=76
the formula for this shape is V=1/3(A squared+AB+B squared)H.