in the sweet hereafter by russell banks, mitchell stephens (a lawyer) approachs billy ansel at one point and offers billy legal representation. billy however refuses mitchell's offer of legal representation. billy doesn't want to be involved in a lawsuit like the other parents of children who died in the bus accident do because no amount of money can bring billy's children (his twins) back to him. billy has no need for money for his loss and does not want it either.
To use your example, cede does mean to go. However, "recede" means to draw back or go back. Think of an ocean. What does the tide do at certain times? It recedes!
So re- is the best answer.
Answer & Explanation:
This quote shows the meaning that if you were to take away a way of doing things, such as a habit then a person is lost. A good example of this would be a child has to take their medications in the morning and they've formed a habit of taking them at exactly eight in the morning. When you break the child's habit, they are lost, they might forget to take their medications all together which may cause confusion or chaos even. I agree with this statement because when you change something a person is so used to it can create a worse scenario, such as confusion, as stated above. It doesn't usually end very well at all. Someone's attitude can affect a situation because, for say, if a person has a bad attitude going into a conflict with another person it may create a worse situation for both people and may only cause more trouble while if someone has a good attitude and is being positive then the conflict may be resolved rather quickly.
This quote shows the meaning that if you were to take away a way of doing things, such as a habit then a person is lost. Breaking a habit may cause confusion or chaos even within the person. I agree with this statement because when you change something a person is so used to it can create a worse scenario, such as confusion, as stated above. Someone's attitude can affect a situation because, for say, if a person has a bad attitude going into a conflict with another person it may create a worse situation for both people and may only cause more trouble while if someone has a good attitude and is being positive then the conflict may be resolved rather quickly.
Hope this helped you out~! Have a wonderful day!
ship is not a root word among these 4.