The sponsorship of the court and wealthy merchants prevents artistic freedom from works of art, as they often sponsored works that painted them as religious figures, or in religious scenes.
Sponsorship was very important for the development of art during the Renaissance. However, this sponsorship often prevented artists' creativity and artistic freedom, as it prevented them from painting what they wanted, but made them paint portraits of their sponsors as historical figures, or religious figures. This characteristic reinforces the adoption of humanist concepts by artists of the time.
Known as the Cradle of Civilization, the Fertile Crescent is regarded as the birthplace of agriculture, urbanization, writing, trade, science, history and organized religion and was first populated c. 10,000 BCE when agriculture and the domestication of animals began in the region. By 9,000 BCE the cultivation of wild grains and cereals was wide-spread and, by 5000 BCE, irrigation of agricultural crops was fully developed. By 4500 BCE the cultivation of wool-bearing sheep was practiced widely.
The geography and climate of the region were conducive to agriculture and hunter-gatherer societies shifted to sedentary communities in the area as they were able to support themselves from the land. The climate was semi-arid but the humidity, and proximity of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers (and, further south, the Nile), encouraged the cultivation of crops. Rural communities developed along with technological advances in agriculture and, once these were established, domestication of animals followed.
The United States Constitution
Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press
Okay, so obviously nuclear weapons proved to be a threat that would possibly destroy the world. The Soviet Union and the United States build up a stockpile of nuclear weapons and used the fact that the world may be destroyed to keep the other country at bay.