Peoples actions are very important, there are several rasict sterotypes like white people are rich, black people are poor, mexicans jump fences, ect.
either way just remeber someone is watching so never do the wrong thing wether you think someone is watching or not always do the right thing.
Example: lets say i'm black and i go and rob a store everyone will be like, "oh, well im not surprised, they always do that". (no rasicism intendeed, trying to do an example of a sterotype) - btw i'm white and black in real life - biracial
prinsily states akoahrjs hi jsksudjs
Obtain raw materials from colonists.
Answer: the decision by the United States government to prevent additional settlement
What was meant by the "closing" of the Western frontier was that the United States government wanted to prevent additional settlement.
This decision was as a result of the government's plan to promote the westward expansion after the Civil War, but however, they had to close the Western frontier to prevent additional settlers.