The Americans also lost the Battle of Queenston Heights in October.
A or d,
Sorry that I don't know for sure but a or d
d) A biblioteca de Nínive
e) O sistema de correios
A biblioteca de Nínive e o sistema de correios são os dois projetos que não são realizados durante o reinado de Dario I. O sistema de correios foi iniciado e concluído durante o reinado da Assíria, iniciado de 550 aC a 521 aC, enquanto a biblioteca de Nínive foi construída durante o reinado de Assurbanipal, cujo reinado começou de 668-627 aC.
The two parties signed the Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty. It gave the United States a ten-mile strip of land, all the rights to construct and administer a canal, and the right to protect the canal. In return, the Panamanians received $10 million and an annual rent of $250,000.
so the closest thing you have is C.
True because the homework will be on the things you are learning and school and this enables parents to see what their children are doing homework and learning about.