A font is a set of characters that uses the same typeface.It is a specific typeface of a fix size and style. An example is, a font may be Arial 12 pt bold, while another font may be Times New Roman 14 pt italic. According to Merriam dictionary, font is an assortment or set of type or charactersall of one style and sometimes one size.
I think it’s 24 I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure
The events are independent. By definition, it means that knowledge about one event does not help you predict the second, and this is the case: even if you knew that you rolled an even number on the first cube, would you be more or less confident about rolling a six on the second? No.
An example in which two events about rolling cubes are dependent could be something like:
Event A: You roll the first cube
Event B: The second cube returns a higher number than the first one.
In this case, knowledge on event A does change you view on event B (and vice versa): if you know that you rolled a 6 on the first cube you don't want to bet on event B, while if you know that you rolled a 1 on the first cube, you're certain that event B will happen.
Conversely, if you know that event B has happened, you are more likely to think that the first cube rolled a small number, and vice versa.
The amount of the tip is 12%