Norovirus is the most common and leading cause of food borne illness.
External factors include physical and chemical signals. Growth factors are proteins that stimulate cell division. – Most mammal cells form a single layer in a culture dish and stop dividing once they touch other cells.
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The main difference is in the presence of a carbon atom; organic compounds will contain a carbon atom (and often a hydrogen atom, to form hydrocarbons), while almost all inorganic compounds do not contain either of those two atoms. Meanwhile, inorganic compounds include the salts, metals, and other elemental compounds.
The <u>nuclear envelope</u> is composed of two concentric lipid bilayer membranes separated by an intermembrane space of about 20-40 nm. The outer membrane is continuous in many places with the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Like the rough ER the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope is dotted with ribosomes.