A privilege is something that you are given/ something that you earn. It can be taken away at any time. Privileges can be found in several forms. For instance, your drivers licence is a form of privilege. you earn that privilege by passing a test. It can be taken away from you if you fail to follow the rules and standards. Its important to remember that privileges are different from rights. A right is something that you are born with and it cant be taken away from you. Make sure you don't get privilege and rights mixed up.
Privelage is suggestive, yet it's common knowledge that some have more privilege than others. Privilege is a right or special advantage that only a specific group, or person has that others do not have. Privilege can apply to many different things such as amnesty to do certain things, or the ability to do things that others cannot. Ex. A sibling may have privilege to stay out until 12am, while the other must be home much earlier. The sibling that can stay out later has an advantage, which is privilege.