First, let's calculate your total cost:
1) salary loss: 45000+45000=90 000
2) cost: 30 000
Total cost:
30 000+90 000=120 000
So you need to recover 120 000 in total or 120 000/5= 24 000
So each year you would have to earn 45 000 +24 000=69 000.
Sinful, because Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit
Da a entender que la gente juzga lo que es diferente ya que no estamos acostumbrados a ello
In a free enterprise system, the consumers decide over everything connected to buying the products, such as 1) which goods or services to buy at all 2) where and from whom to get those goods and services 3) how much to buy and 4) what is an acceptable prize for them.