In this case option B) “determines who the story’s narrator will be” is the correct one since according to the point of view of a story we can tell who the narrator is. These are some of the types of point of view:
• First person point of view: the story is told by the main character in first person
• Third person omniscient point of view: the narrator tells the story in 3rd person and provides the reader information about all characters feelings and emotions
The narrator can choose from the different points of view according to what he wants to convey.
Option 1) is not correct since all points of view help the author tell a story in the most effective way, it will vary according to the author’s needs.
Option C) is also incorrect since choosing the point of view is not related to which characters are good or bad in the story.
Option D) is also incorrect since the point of view does not foreshadow the events in a story, it just indicates who is narrating the story and what things the author wants the audience to know when describing the characters and the events.
C c c c c c c c c c c c c c c cc c
Anti-miscegenation laws were a part of American law since before the United States was established and remained so until ruled unconstitutional in 1967 by the U.S Supreme Cort in Loving v.Virginia . The term miscegenation was the American Civil War, by American journalists to discredit the abolitionist movement by stirring up debate over the prospect of interracial marriage after the abolition of slavery. In those of the original Thirteen Colonies that became states and enacted such laws, they were enacted as state law in the early 18th century; a century or more after the.complete racialism of slavery.
After Gregor has died and freed his family of his horrendous presence, they can now take a rest for a while and get back to their normal lives. Gregor had been a burden for them in every way, as he stopped providing for them because of his new condition. Because of him, they couldn't leave the apartment and find a smaller one. Because of him, they had to rent a part of the apartment. His unwilling transformation had changed their lives for the worse. Now that he's gone, they have a hope for a better life. They even start pondering on their daughter's potential marriage.