Las unidades de Mendel se conocen ahora como GENES
Durante sus experimentos, Mendel demostró que las características de las plantas de guisante (por ejemplo color de la flor, color de la semilla, forma de la semilla, altura de la planta, etcétera) eran heredadas, y denominó "elementos" a las unidades portadoras de dichas características. Es decir que cada elemento o unidad discreta, era el responsable de que la planta exprese una u otra característica. Estableció que estos elementos se redistribuían independientemente uno de otro, generación tras generación. Con el paso del tiempo y el avance de las investigaciones, estas unidades o elementos fueron denominados <em>Genes</em>.
Bordetella pertussis is an obligate human pathogen and is the etiological agent of whooping cough. It is known to be an opportunistic organism.
The pathogenic mechanism of Bordetella pertussis is also known as virulence factor. These virulence factors are known to include adhesins such as filamentous haemagglutinin, fimbriae and pertactin, which allow B. pertussis to bind to ciliated epithelial cells in the upper respiratory tract.
It is known to be the agent of whooping cough, a highly contagious respiratory disease, dramatic for infants and also for elderly and pregnant women.
In this case, the antibodies will be the response that is uniquely directed against the organism. It is said earlier that this organism is an opportunistic one, this means that it causes infection when the immunity is down. So, when the immunity is empowered , it will definitely fight against the organism
It's called <em>hydrocephalus</em>.
Hydrocephalus is a condition in which cerebrospinal fluid builds up within the ventricles of the brain and it may increase pressure within the head.
V final = (Mass x V initial) + (Mass x V initial) /m + m
V = (0.04 x 300) + ( 0.5 x 0 ) / 0.04 + 0.5
V = 22.2 m/s