La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Las instituciones de sociedad civil están realizando acciones para atender las necesidades de la población de mi comunidad en el estado de emergencia son las siguientes.
La Cruz Roja es una de las que más servicios ha estado prestando, sobre todo con la atención inicial y el traslado de pacientes. El CEMEFI, Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía también está apoyando a los grupos más vulnerables durante esta etapa de emergencia sanitaria. También el grupo llamado Ciudadanos en Red está generando acciones de apoyo para brindar ayuda psicológica a las personas que así lo requieran.
a. classical conditioning.
hope this answer correct (^^)
Answer: crime of terrorizing
Terrorism is defined as the use of unlawful violence in order to inculcate fear which is done to intimidate the government or coerce them to agree to certain terms which are usually religious, or political.
Since the purpose of Mickey's attack on the village was to create a state of extreme fear and dread amongst other villages who might support the government, then he'll be charged with crime of terrorizing.
Difference between unitary and federal systems? A unitary system is different from a federal system in that a unitary system is composed of one central government that holds all the power, while a federal system divides power between national and local forms of government.
Ancient people of Mesa Verde were the people who lived in cave like structures underground, some thousand years ago. They were hunters and gathers
The people of Mesa caves dug huge pits underground and they lived in those pits, they were also the farmers of corn and beans. Later in eighth century, they started to build houses with logs which were crescent shaped and had fifty rooms and they shifted their occupation to pottery.
Gradually, the people left their hospices and dwellings. The reasons for which can be worst climatic condition that led to poverty. Later two cowboys had found the cliff palace and with a handmade ladder, they climbed down and found out the artifacts which were still in usable form. The cliff palace attracts the attention many visitors even today.