It illustrates the need for green certified nail saloons.
After prolonged exposure to nail coloring products have proven to be directly correlated to cancer or tumor.
"color me nontoxic: advocated companies to produce nail coloring products with safe ingredients in order to prevent such occurrences from happening.
Earthquakes at convergent plate boundaries mark the location of the subducting lithosphere. The motion of the lithosphere as it plunges through the mantle causes the quakes (Figure below). At greater depths, the plate heats up enough to deform plastically.
The answer is option (B) Foot-in-the-door phenomenon
Foot-in-the-door phenomenon is a technique of getting someone to grant or comply with a large request by initially making small or modest requests.
The technique is based on the logic that if a respondent (the person being asked) can grant an initial small or modest request, then the respondent would be most likely to later grant a larger request that he/she (the respondent) would not have granted if asked outright (without being approached with small requests first).
Magnetic renosance imaging (MRI) scan
Magnetic renosance imaging scan uses large magnets, radio waves and computer to produce well detailed image of the body.
An MRI scan usually about 15-90 minutes depending on the size of the body being scanned and how many images is needed. So for the doctors to get a detailed 3 dimensional structure of Milo brain structure, the technique to be used is the MRI scan.