so it was like 3am and night my family was sleeping and me and my sister was up on our phone we keap hearing noise down the hall and i thought it was my dog but when i looked over my dog was sleeping by my window*aka my dog is deaf*. i sound like some one what trying to be quite but it wasn't working then i thought it could be my dad. i heard slow foot steps coming close to my bed room door that was cracked open i threw my phone under my cover and acted like i was sleeping cause i didnt want to get in touble for being up. some push open my bed room door and i heard there foot walk over to our bed and stop. i thought my dad was standing over us to making sure i was really sleep but it was quite too quite. like 2 minutes passed and i and still feel the person standing over us . then the person started to walk out of our room. i turn to my sister and said "what the heck" she said that, that wasn't dad i started to freak out i asked are you sure she said that is didnt look like his shadow. then that when the house arlam went off and i heard my mom scream really really loud we jumped up out of the bed and ran to my parntes room to find my mom crying she said that dad when ran after a man when they saw a person standing over them. my dad didnt catch the guy we call the cops they didnt find him. they say he got in through a basement open window he did take a few things like my dads watch and small things sooooo. yeah..
once upon a time i was walking in a lonely road and i came across this dog that looked so scary i ran but that dog also ran behind me. i hid behind a bush and that dog went to his owner who was a stalker. that day i went home and i couldn't sleep and then the next day when i went there i was ready with my phone to call the police i saw the same dog and then i called the police asap. the police arrested the guy and told me he had kidnapped 15 kids. my one call helped man families.
Writers and poets use personification to bring inanimate things to life, so that their nature and actions are understood in a better way. Because it is easier for us to relate to something that is human or that possesses human traits.
Revealing that when Alan uses the potion, the old man knows that he will be back just like his other customers. Imagery is also shown in the story "The Chaser". This quote in the short story represents the imagery shown.