it would be kind of an advantage as they breathe air and just stay on land and to get food it can go into the water
If an inhibitory synapse fires at the same time and at the same distance from the initial segment as an excitatory synapse of the same intensity there will be no changes in the potential in the firing zone.
Under normal conditions, the transmembrane potential depends on the ionic charges present in the intracellular and extracellular spaces. The extracellular space load is usually positive and in the cytoplasm is negative.
- <u>Depolarization</u> occurs by opening ion channels that allow sodium to enter the cell, making the intracellular space more positive.
- An opening of potassium channels releases this ion to the extracellular space, leading to <u>hyperpolarization</u>.
An excitatory synapse is one capable of depolarizing a cell and boosting the production of action potential, provided it is capable of reaching the threshold of said potential.
On the other hand, an inhibitory synapse is able to hyperpolarize the cell membrane and prevent an action potential from originating, so that they can inhibit the action of an excitatory synapse.
The interaction between two synapses, one excitatory and one inhibitory, -called synapse summation- will depend on the strength that each of them possesses. In this case, the intensity of both synapses being the same, there will be no changes in the membrane potential in the firing zone.
Learn more:
Excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials
Answer: C. It is the part of the stamen that contains the pollen
Anthers are the pollen containing units in a flower that can be found in the stamens of such flowers. It should be noted that typically, anthers consist of two parts which are referred to as the thecae and each one of the theca is made up of two microsporangia.
Therefore, from the explanation above, we can infer that the another is the part of the stamen that contains the pollen.
I think 10 grams hopefully this helped