One draw back to a direct democracy is that corruption would still exsist.
Iroquois and Aloquan.... i think i spelt the 2nd one wrong so you should check it but hope i helped
In the first place, I charge President Roosevelt with being a hypocrite, the most consummate that ever occupied the executive seat of the nation. His profession of pure politics is false, his boasted moral courage the bluff of a bully and his “square deal” a delusion and a sham.
Taxation. Shay's Rebellion happened because banks were foreclosing on farmers' homes. The farmers revolted because they couldn't make their payments <em>and </em><em />the high interest rates which was somehow caused by large post (Revolutionary) war debts. The federal government struggled to pay its debts because the Articles of Confederation didn't allow the federal gov't to <em>force</em> states to pay taxes.
The man who became president of France in December 1848 was Prince Louis Napoleon Bonaparte.
He was 40 years old when he won the election. . He was a small reserved, enigmatic man with chestnut hair , brown beard and a pointed moustache.
He won one of the most remarkable victories in French History, though he had never held public office or distinguished himself in any worthwhile capacity. The nostalgic vote which carried him to power looked back to the greatness of France under his uncle, Napoleon I, whose name he carried and whose heir he claimed to be.