- Cal is from a low-context culture and Medina is from a high-context culture.
As per the given details, it can be inferred that Cal most likely belongs to a low-context culture and Medina belongs to high-context culture. The key reason for this inference is that Cal displays direct and denotative communication while Medina is connotative and conveys her message indirectly and more through gestures, facial expressions, etc. Thus, Cal is unable to infer the actual meaning of her message as he comes from a culture that believes in stating thoughts directly instead of suggesting.
On June 12, 1812, the United States declared war on Great as a result of numerous disputes between the two countries. The British continuously engaged in impressment and forced US citizens to serve in the Royal Navy. The British also attacked the USS Chesapeake and this nearly caused a war two year earlier. Additionally, disputes continued with Great Britain over the Northwest Territories and the border with Canada. Finally, Great Britain's blockade of France during the Napoleonic Wars served as a constant source of conflict with the United States.
Galileo relied completely on what today is understood as the scientific method direct observation and experimentation rather than the Bible or received tradition in his study of astronomy.
Galileo was the towering scientist of his age, much as Einstein was in the twentieth century. If, as we should, we associate the Renaissance with the beginning of the movement from the centrality of faith to the centrality of reason, he is the exemplar of reason for his period.
He developed the telescope, he was able to study the movement of the planets, discovering the four largest moons of Jupiter and determining that Aristotelean cosmology (a received tradition) was in error, causing a huge stir in the scientific community.
Galileo also studied velocity, dropping balls of different weights (again using the scientific method of direct observation) from the top of the leaning tower of Pisa to time how quickly they fell. He demolished Aristotle's contention that objects of different weights.
Sorry have no idea lol sorry