B. trademark violation.
Trademark violation or infringement is the use of a trademark or any such particular mark without the authority and using it to deceive the customers. Using an equivalent symbol or trademark creates confusion among the customers related to the authenticity o the product. It is a form of strict violation of the exclusive rights of a company or organization.
Answer and Explanation:
The Supreme Court concluded that the plaintiffs (black children) have been denied their rights because, by segregating them from white children, the state laws that legitimized such segregation and established different public schools for white and black children, contravenes the Fourteenth Amendment which guarantees equality and equal protection of the law.
Reapportionment Act of 1929 was passed in order to put in place a permanent method for dividing a constant 435 in the US house of representative in accordance with census. According to the constitutions, each state was supposed to have one representative in the house of representative. As the population of US increase, it becomes difficult how to choose members of house of representative, hence this law.
Cultural studies
Culture is defined as the way of life of a people.
Cultural studies is defined as the study of the ways a culture creates and uses wealth.
It also explains the importance of a culture and hie it impacts the people in various spheres of life such as politically, economically, socially etc. Every culture has its pros and cons and cultural studies covers all the angles in this known fact without any form of bias.