The climates in Colombia are characterized for having tropical rain forests, savannas, steppes, deserts and mountain climate, mountain climate further divided into tierra caliente (hot land) tierra templada (temperate land) tierra fría (cold land), tierra helada (frozen land) and Páramo
The answer is:
It suggests that Ben's father's intellectual curiosity is a positive trait.
According to the passage, Ben's father inquisitiveness and intense desire for knowledge equals U.S. president's Abraham Lincoln's curiosity. As a result, he takes his family on holiday from Michigan to South Dakota in a comfortable trailer to go camping and see waterfalls, forests and Mount Rushmore.
It would be an Ethos appeal.
He didn't; he decided to return to civilization.
Alliteration is the occurrence of the same letter (or sound) at the beginning of closely connected words. Of the 22 words in this sentence, 4 of them start with "st," as to "br," which is only 1 word, "sp," which is only 1 word, and "ut," which is also only 1 word. Hope this helped!