Answer:Fake News Makes It Harder For People To See the Truth
A Pew Research Center study found that those on the right and the left of the political spectrum have different ideas about the definition of 'fake news', "The Pew study suggests that fake-news panic, rather than driving people to abandon ideological outlets and the fringe, may actually be accelerating the process of polarization: It’s driving consumers to drop some outlets, to simply consume less information overall, and even to cut out social relationships."
This is why it is important for people to seek out news with as little bias as humanly possible. News services like AP News and Reuters strive to provide accurate, neutral coverage of major events.
C. It enacted the idea of nullification and declared the law null and void
The tariff of abominations, effectively increase the import tax for foreign products. This legislation affected a lot of states in the south which at that time imported large portion of their raw materials from Great Britain and France.
In response to this, Several southern states outright refused to follow the federal legislations regarding this tariff.
They argued that the Tariff of Abominations was unconstitutional and they refused to implemented within their region. This refusal is what commonly considered as 'Declaring the law null and void'
The Catholic Church considered some thinkers of the scientific revolution to be heretics because these thinkers challenged the orthodoxy of the church or the beliefs that the church had preached for centuries. One of the main beliefs that the Catholic Church considered herecy was that the sun was the center of the universe rather than what had previously been believed which was that the earth was the center of the universe.
There were 7 Royal Colonies: New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia