implementing a plan of explanation
Oblong facial shape can be visually shortened by applying deeper tones under the chin and horizontally at the hairline.
To applying deeper tones under the chin and horizontally at the hairline on rectangular, narrow, long and angular faces can visually is characterized by a broad, straight forehead and square jawline.
Oblong facial shape: Tends to be long, narrow, and angular
To know more about the facial shape:
In my view, the answer is: Compared with boys, girls are more likely to play in a. small groups. Because boys are less likely to demonstrate social modesty than girls. Girls like to spend their time with their friends, while boys don't about it and spend their time in larger groups.
Frank, member of a Germanic-speaking people who invaded the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century. Dominating present-day northern France, Belgium, and western Germany, the Franks established the most powerful Christian kingdom of early medieval western Europe. The name France (Francia) is derived from their name.
Both joints have an ulna and a radius connected to them. Both joints are hinge joints, however humans have a complex hinge joint (allowing us to move it in more directions) while cows have only a hinge joint (can only move in one direction).