They replaced it by mactions and more people to work for them
Greek men's need to control procreation and heredity
Greeks were the people from Greece. The name 'Greeks' were given by the Romans to the citizens of Greece. The Greek society is mainly men dominated. The male Greek enjoys all the power and status in the society. Women in Greece were not given the citizen rights as the men. Women are not allow to hold public offices and own property. Greek women were given no choice to choose their husband and to produce off springs. It is the men who is in control of procreation.
S-data; L-data
B-data (behavioral data), I-data (informants' data), S-data (self-report data), and L-data (life data) are the four types of psychometric data that are used by the researchers. These data helps the researcher for a better understanding of the behaviors and perceptions of the individuals.
S-data (self-report data) are the information that includes the political thoughts, beliefs, personality and attitude of the individual.
L-data (life data) includes the information related to the personal lives of the individual. It includes the academic information, occupational information, marital status, choice of recreation, children and personal preferences of the individual.