Studies show that people who spend a significant amount of time on social media experience increased anxiety and decreased self-esteem. Watching everybody else's milestones and achievements fly through your feed doesn't make you happy for your pals, it makes you unhappy about your own (seeming) lack of accomplishment.
<em>"</em><em>A psychiatrist can diagnose and prescribe medication to treat a variety of complex mental illnesses, such as: schizophrenia. depression.</em><em>"</em>
The correct choice can be either A or B. It is part of acronym SMART goal. S= specific, M= measurable, A= Attainable, R= relevant, T=Time based.
Good hygiene lowers your risk for diseases and illnesses commonly spread through viruses and bacteria. Your hands come into contact with bacteria every time you cough, use the restroom, touch your pet, or touch surfaces, such as stair railings, used frequently by others