1. Cell starts into mitosis phase of the cell cycle.
2. Helicase begins to break the hydrogen bonds between the nitrogen bases. (The double helix has to be unwound in order to expose the nucleotides)
3. DNA polymerase attach the free-floating nucleotides to the exposed nitrogen bases. (this allows a new DNA strand to be made on the existing one)
4. Free floating nucleotides pair up with exposed nitrogen bases (this is what really builds the new strand, based around the template strand)
5. Two new molecules of DNA are created
Cytosine (Car in the Garage, Apple in a Tree is a good trick to know how they pair)
Double helix
The answer to this is passive hyperemia.
1. Leads to mixing of genetic materials hence variation within species
2. Leads to offspring with hybrid viguor that tend to show high and adaptability to environmental conditions.
3. Variations due to sexual reproduction leads to improvement of species hence evolutionary changes that may bring about specialisation
As requested in the question above, the primers were presented with 8 nucleotides, with the nitrogenous bases of the DNA, and in the 5'-3 'direction.
Primers are small fragments of DNA that are used by DNA polymerase to form new strands. The primes attach to pieces on the ribbon, through the complementarity of the nitrogenous bases, serving as a template for the DNA polymerase to create the new ribbon.
DNA polymerase uses primers at the origin of replication, and can follow the path from the right or from the left, depending on the primers used, for this reason, this question has two answers.