The body gets the needed mineral from the food we eat aka iron soduime and carbohydrates
The process is called homeostasis.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
It is transplanted routinely to treat a variety of blood and bone marrow diseases, blood cancers, and immune disorders. More recently, stem cells from the blood stream (called peripheral blood stem cells) and umbilical cord stem cells have been used to treat some of the same blood-based diseases
1. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
2. Force = mass times acceleration
3. An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted on by another force.
3. One example is a rock rolling down a hill. You could use a stick or your foot to stop it, but otherwise it would keep rolling
2. An example for law No.2 is pushing a shopping cart. If you push an empty shopping cart, it will go faster than a full shopping cart because the full shopping cart has more mass.
1. One example is a cup on a table. The cup exerts a force down on the table due to gravity, the table exerts an equal and opposite force on the cup to stop it falling through the table