The quality that makes an author's writing unique and shows a distinct personality and style is called voice.
The author's voice is their unique individual style of writing. The authorial voice is made from their choice of words, tone, choice of content, and sometimes punctuation.
The Author's Voice is the unique writing of an author and it shows their distinct personality and style. Within the Author's Voice we can find the different traits of an author such as: character, attitude, charisma, way of thinking, and many more. This voice gives you the possibility of recognizing each author and its style. For example if we read a poem that has a dark mood and a suspense-gothic style then we automatically think of Edgar Allan Poe.
the student council is the embodiment of the student body, of which school rules are made for.
if teachers/school staff are to make the rules, they would have neglected the feelings of students, thus making rules too harsh to be abided.they are merely there to implement rules.