I looked it up. so yeah I hope you pass!
Thousands of years ago, a highly advanced civilization in a galaxy far away decided to clone its most intelligent and fearless soldier. These self-replicating clones were then sent out to populate the multiverse. Over time, the cloned soldiers eradicated all other intelligent beings in the multiverse. As a result, the heritability coefficient of intelligence in the multiverse is Zero
"The Six Days War" against Egypt. and Syria
C. Officer Friel is employing police discretion.
This particular form of approach by the above policeman in our scenario above is simply explaining about the study of police discretion from this decision making perspective. It is concerned with several forms of authority: stops, frisks and searches, arrests, tickets, and the use of physical force. Police authority is infrequently invoked, as a proportion of all police citizen contacts. Officers consider their authority as a resource in handling such situations, and often they are able to handle situations without resorting to the use of formal authority.
According to the national safety council, the estimated number of crashes due to distraction most especially from using cell phone and texting is about 1.6 million. It also stated that it accounted for about 28% of all traffic crashes.