That point is about 530-ft north of Piney Branch Rd, and about 1,150-ft
east of Flower Ave, in Silver Spring, Montgomery County, Maryland.
If you were going for Washington DC, your coordinates place you about
1.77 miles from the nearest point on the boundary of DC.
Gender is a term that refers to social or cultural distinctions associated with being male or female. Norms are rules or expectations that are socially enforced. Gender roles are the prescribed behaviors, attitudes and characteristics associated with one's gender status as a female or a male. I'm unsure on the 5 differences, sorry.
Let's just say that the Jaguar! (a certain ride in Knott's) could instantly go from zero speed to, let's say, 40 mph, and vice versa. We know (if you have ridden it) that the Jaguar! is not a straight line, as you can't say that it is always traveling at 40 mph due north (otherwise it would never be able to make a loop)!
Remember that, since velocity is a vector quantity, a change in direction will constitute a change in velocity.
Deep seafloor deposition in the form of ooze is the largest long-term sink of the oceanic silica cycle (6.3 ± 3.6 Tmol Si year−1). As noted above, this ooze is diagenetically transformed into lithospheric marine chert.
Calcareous ooze is a calcium carbonate mud formed from the hard parts (tests) of the bodies of free-floating organisms. Once this mud has been deposited, it can be converted into stone by processes of compaction, cementation, and recrystallization. ... Foraminifera are also single-celled organisms.
Pretty sure it’s artisan correct me if I’m wrong