In this passage of Waters of Babylon, the conflicts that the character faces are:
Character Vs. Society, because he is breaking laws when he says: "I had long gone past what was forbidden", the speaker shows that he entering the towers is something that is not allowed in the society, or by people in general.
Character Vs. Character because he faces demons. As the speaker says at the beginning of the excerpt: "When a god or a demon saw me, then I would die." He respects the demons and gods and it shows when he says he will remain stable until one of them finally comes and when he says that, although he is hungry, he will not hunt because it is known that gods did not hunt. He will look in the towers for the gods food.
Character Vs. Nature because his hunger is driving him to take risks. He decided not to hunt, so he will look for the food of the gods inside the towers and he doesn't care if it is forbidden, he is "<em>long past what was forbidden</em>".