<h2>Practices of the Poor in the Polis</h2><h2>Greek society's view of the poor was often critical and excluded them: the poor were considered to have low morality and the degradation of insecurity and impiety. They looted altars and stole offerings made to the gods, lied and would do anything to get enough to survive.</h2>
Point of View. If the author's purpose is the why behind the writing, the point of view is the who. Point of view is all about who is telling or sharing the details. In informational text, it's the author telling the details.
a.The ending of the Weimar Republic
<span>Cognitive-behavioral therapy has the goal of dealing with problems and improving general happiness by eliminating self-destructive emotions, behavior, and thoughts. It focuses on solutions to the current issues, rather than exploring causes from childhood like Freud. It seeks to help the patient bring about change for themselves.</span>
7 slogans for you
Fighting for gender equality is not a responsibility for women only. The society should be held accountable for it too.
2. As long as there are words like gender floating around in society, there can be no real equality.
3. Why do we need gender roles when there are lip-smacking sushi rolls to enjoy?
4. It is not a matter of job or race or height. Every individual deserves to be treated well and treated right.
5. There is a ‘man’ in every ‘woman’, a ‘he’ in every ‘she’ and a ‘hero’ in every ‘heroine’. Give her an equal opportunity, and you will see the benefit with your own eyes.
6. Move ahead of stereotypical gender binaries. Look around, and there are a lot more than masculine and feminine. Build a society that gives an equal opportunity to all.
7. Treat every man and every woman as a human. Neither is superior nor better nor more intelligent nor more hard working.