The answer is called a token economy. In addition, a token economy is a method of behavior modification intended to increase needed behavior and decrease unwanted behavior with the use of tokens. The individuals receive tokens directly after exhibiting desirable behavior. The tokens are collected and later replaced by a significant object or privilege.
He outlined his goals of a thrifty government and the support of states to better protect their freedoms than a large federal body. ... Why did Thomas Jefferson oppose a large federal government? Believed that state governments were more able to reflect the will of people and thus protect freedom and liberty.
The difference in emotional reaction could be explained by <span>Schachter two-factor theory; labeling emotion to the event
When Astrid is watching the horror movie, the emotional arousal would induce the production of adrenaline within her body, which create a sense of excitement.
When the boyfriend called under this circumstances, she will associate that sense of excitement toward the existence of the boyfriend that could be interpreted as love.</span>
<span>Overgeneralized beliefs about a group of people that often underline prejudicial emotions are called "stereotypes".
A stereotype refers to a settled, over summed up conviction about a specific gathering or class of individuals.
One advantage of a stereotype is that it empowers us to react quickly to circumstances since we may have had a comparative ordeal previously. One disadvantage is that it influences us to overlook contrasts between people; consequently we ponder individuals that won't not be valid.</span>
"Fertile," as in fertile soil or fertile land, means that the soil and land is rich in nutrients for plants, and therefore is good for farming crops.