The statue of Aulus Metellus offers us a glimpse of the changing socio-political landscape of the Italian peninsula during the latter first millennium B.C.E. He is posed as an orator,highlighting his political career as both Etruscan and Roman aristocrats did.
Latin America and Asia.
The immigration policies of the united states were influenced by the public opinion who saw immigrants as a threat to job employment, polluting the cultural identity of the United States. Before the 1960's preference was given to the European immigrants as they were seemed to more civilized however trend changed since the 1960's where Asian and Latin American immigrants have increased considerably. Skilled labor from the Asian countries is in demand In the Unites States. Mexico joining border with the United States provide a secure path to immigrants' entry into the United States.
Free rider problem
Mancur Olson identify that passivity on the part of individuals who
benefit from the work of activists but who do not join it or support it
in any way. He called the problems the free rider problem.<span>In order to overcome the free rider problem, he suggested that interest groups and civil rights groups should give material benefits to the members only.</span>
"<span> ...do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States, and parts of States, are, and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons." THIS IS THE MAIN IDEA OF THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION. </span>