Question 1: The disparity has always been that ever since women have been allowed to work, they were not viewed as capable enough to efficiently do the same jobs men can do and thus people who employed women would pay them significantly less to do the same job a man is doing. Even through all the controversy that has happened over time, many professions still pay women much less than they deserve for doing the same job.
Question 2: The relationship between professions and gender is one that is considered rarely (if at all) theorized in the sociology discipline. However, there are quite a few studies (many of them ongoing) that are attempting to set a value to what the relationship may be.
While “conflict” often has a negative connotation, the effects of conflict within an organization can be positive and negative.
Mental Health Concerns. ...
Decrease in Productivity. ...
Employee Turnover Impacts. ...
Conflict Escalation and Violence. ...
Inspire Creativity to Solve Problems. ...
Share And Respect Opinions.
A geographic area within a state from which a member of the house of representatives is chosen is called a Congressional district.
Successful civilizations usually share most of the following six important components including: education, social structure, religion, government, writing, and art.
The Ancient Empire of Ghana, also known as Wagadou, possessed all of these traits along with an extensive trade network which boosted their economy; salt mining; gold mining; and iron smithing.
hitler came to power by convincing the leaders and many people that the Jews did it all