There live without electricity.
this is what the green party is, The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) is a federation of Green state political parties in the United States. The party promotes green politics, specifically environmentalism; nonviolence; social justice; participatory, grassroots democracy; gender equality; LGBT rights; anti-war; anti-racism and ecosocialism.
this is three benefits The Green Party favors the abolition of the death penalty, repeal of Three-strikes laws, banning of private prisons, legalization of marijuana, and decriminalization of other drugs.
- Human capital and physical capital
There are various factors that are responsible for the unequal distribution of income globally. These factors may include tax evasion, inflation, unemployment, etc.
As per the question, the major reason for this unequal distribution is due to improper allocation of 'human capital and physical capital' across the population which leads to establishing an imbalance in the economy as some people possess excessive wealth to show off while the others born, live, and die in poverty for generations. Thus, improper 'human and physical capital' distribution is the root cause of the increasing gulf between the rich and poor.
15. B
16.A or D
17. C
18 C
19 B
20 C
Hope this helps
Answer: mad-eye-moody is an arour or a dark wizard hunter
and there are 7 books in the series
(I am a harry potter expert so if you have anymore questions they will probly be answered by me)
hope that helps!