Classical conditioning
Classical conditioning was proposed by Ivan Pavlov that informed in the psychology as learning of behaviorism. Classical conditioning is also called the learning of behavior where the conditioned stimulus is associated with the unconditional stimulus to produce a behavior response.
For example, To teach dogs with the sound of buzzer being fed is based on classical conditioning.
There are different type of behavior therapy are used to modify the behavior of a person such as desensitization, flooding, etc.
European nations moved away from the communist rule except Russia. The Russian leaders were effective and kept their constituents in line. Though they fell as a Communist country because they were not able to establish connection with the Soviet led bloc states and their leader was supporting the Western Democracy than Communism.
The answer would be letter A.
By reading the book that they give you in school but if you home school you just read the stuff in the days
It definitely means that as the quality of education improves, it is directly proportional to the increase in productivity of labour or in other words , it means that as there is an increase in the quality of education, it is directly proportional to the increase of productivity of labour. As quality improves, productivity improves likewise. If quality of education decrease, then there is tendency that the productivity of labour will decrease., so therefore an increase in productivity of labour is a function of an increase in quality of education.
amples of pulleys include:
Elevators use multiple pulleys in order to function.
A cargo lift system that allows for items to be hoisted to higher floors is a pulley system.
Wells use the pulley system to hoist the bucket out of the well.
Many types of exercise equipment use pulleys in order to function.
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